Here are the list of the top 10 Most played MMORPG(massively multiplayer online role-playing game) in the WORLD!Lets start from buttom to top ^^,
-Is a South Korean developed game that is a mixture of science fiction and classic fantasy, RF Online (or RFO, as many of its players call it) is set in a distant planet in the Novus system where magic exists alongside high technology. Like most MMORPGs it follows the typical fantasy setting complete with swords and sorcery, but it also emphasizes the three-way Race vs. Race vs. Race (RvRvR) concept and modern/futuristic technology such as mecha and nuclear weapons. There are 3 races to choose from the Bellato,Cora and Accretia, each Race has there own class to choose from.
Minimum: Pentium/Athlon 800 MHz, 256 MB RAM, Windows98SE/2000/XP, 3.5 GB Hard Disk Space, DirectX 9.0c, Broadband Internet Connection (128 kbit/s or higher), DirectX compatible sound card, Supported Direct3D Compatible Video Card, Minimum Video Cards: ATI 8500 or GeForce 3 or above (Not MX).
AUTHOR'S NOTE:The best thing in RF Online is the Chip war ^^, it really rocks my world.
HELLGATE LONDON-I haven't play the game itself but in the screen shots it looks like interesting to play ^^, no wonder it enters the top 10 ^^,

is a dark fantasy-themed action role-playing game developed by Flagship Studios and released on October 31, 2007. It was developed by a team headed by former Blizzard Entertainment employees, some of whom had overseen the creation of the Diablo series. One major update, The Stonehenge Chronicles, has been released since game launch.
Windows XP or Windows Vista, 1.8 GHz(XP) or 2.4 GHz (Vista) processor, 1 GB RAM (XP) or 2 GB RAM (Vista), NVIDIA GeForce 6200/ATI Radeon 9000 chipset or greater, 6 GB free hard drive space, DirectX 9.0c compatible sound, Internet connection required for multiplayer
CABAL ONLINE-One of the most popular games now in the Philippines.It was a game created by the ESTsoft.

Cabal offers a variety of class to choose from.
RAM 512MB+
3D Accelerator
Sound Card: Any DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Hard Disk Space 2.5GB+
* Recommended
* Pentium 4 1.4GHz +
* RAM 1GB+
* GeForce 6600GT or Higher
* Sound Card: Any DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
* Hard Disk Space 2.5GB+
2Moons-The game is an adaptation of
Dekaron by
GameHi for the
North American market, featuring a new story line.
Closed beta testing ended March 7th, 2007. The open beta testing phase, which began July 30th, 2007, has experienced several delays. Previously, a commercial launch was planned for the summer of 2007, but due to the open beta delay, Acclaim has been unable to give an official launch date for the game. As stated by David Perry, Acclaim is "the new kid on the block" in the MMORPG market, and they have had many issues to fix while preparing for the open beta launch of the title.
- 1 GHz CPU
- 512 MB RAM
- GeForce MX Video card
- Sound card
- DirectX 9.0c or above
- Broadband Internet Connection
RAGNAROK ONLINE-The First MMORPG that is release in the Philippines.

Is often referred to as
RO, is a
massively multiplayer online role-playing game or MMORPG created by
GRAVITY Co., Ltd. based on the
manhwa Ragnarok by
Lee Myung-jin. It was first released in
South Korea on
31 August 2001 for
Microsoft Windows and has since been released in many other locales around the world. Much of the game's mythos is based on
Norse mythology, but its style has been influenced by
Christianity and
Asian cultures. The game has spawned an animated series,
Ragnarok the Animation, and a sequel game,
Ragnarok Online 2: The Gate of the World.
Intel Pentium 500 MHz equiv.
CPU, 128MB
Internet access,
DirectX 8, 8MB
graphics card,
sound card, 1GB+
hard drive space
-is a Korean fantasy
MMORPG developed by IMC Games Co.,Ltd., and published in North America by
K2 Network. It launched in the summer of 2007.
Granado Espada won the 2006 Korean awards for Best Graphics and Game of the Year, with features previously unseen in an MMORPG (such as the ability for players to control multiple characters at the same time).
Granado Espada features a unique art style based on the Baroque period of Europe, differing from the standard “swords and sorcery” fantasy themes of the genre.
-is an
MMORPG developed by
Beijing Perfect World. It has been released in several different areas in different versions already. The Malaysian version has now released their English version of Perfect World to all countries. Perfect World International , the official English version of the game, opened its teaser site on July 15th, 2008, and will subsequently launch its closed beta August 19th, 2008. The open beta has begun as of September 2nd, 2008. The International Version is specifically built to accommodate North America, Europe, and other.
800 MHz Pentium 3 CPU
256M RAM
32mb 3D Accelerator graphics card(GF2 series or VGA with similar grade)
DirectX 9.0c
2.5 GB hard disk space
Internet Connection
AUTHOR"S NOTE:I really love the change forms, the fox one hehehe.
side-scrolling massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by the
South Korean company
Wizet. Several versions of the game are available for specific countries or regions, and each is published by various companies such as Wizet and
Nexon. Although playing the game is free, character appearances and gameplay enhancements can be purchased from the "Cash Shop" using real money.
MapleStory has a combined total of over 50 million subscriber accounts in all of its versions.
MapleStory North America (Global), for players mainly in
North America and outside of
East Asia,
Southeast Asia and
Europe, has over three million players.
Intel Celeron 500 MHz CPU, 64 MB RAM, 750 MB hard disk space (depends on version), Internet connection (at least 56 kbit/s) and Direct3D support
SILKROAD ONLINE-is a fantasy
MMORPG set in the 7th century AD, along the
Silk Road between China and Europe.The game requires no periodic subscription fee, but players can purchase premium items to customize or accelerate gameplay.
800 MHz
Pentium 3 CPU256M
RAM64mb 3D accelerator
graphics card (GF2 series or VGA with similar grade)
DirectX 9.0c
GB hard disk space
Internet Connection
AUTHOR'S NOTE:Bandit, trader or guardian? which side do you like best?Traders are the one who travel to trade silks from 1 town to another. Guardians are the one who protects the traders from the bandits.Lastly the Bandits are the one who attack the traders and guardians to steal the silks.
massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). It is
Blizzard Entertainment's fourth released game set in the fantasy
Warcraft universe, which was first introduced by
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans in
World of Warcraft takes place within the world of
Azeroth, four years after the events at the conclusion of Blizzard's previous release,
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS:AUTHOR'S NOTE:No doubt about it that this is the number 1 ^^,